Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details:
Name: Fatima Farhat
  • Date of Birth: 16/8/1991                               
  • Marital Status: Engaged
  • Employment Status: part time

Address: Hadi Nasralla Street,

Objective: To join a high-school/ an academy which has earned an excellent reputation among the students and parents and apply my complete understandings of the English subject and the best work practices to gain excellent career growth.
Summary of Qualifications:
  • Psychology major so that I can deal with psychological problems that students might face
  • Knowledge about the special needs students after taking a course at Haigazian university and done observation at CIS
  • Great concern regarding the students difficulties, both academic as well as personal
  • A great problem solving attitude and ability to counsel students in overcoming their educational obstacles
  • Knowledge of most of the modern teaching aids and ability to apply them effectively
  • Proficiency in computer handling and web browsing
  • Little knowledge about using an interactive board after attending a workshop at IET (Interactive Education Technology) where I had some training in using the board.

Professional Experience:
  • I had participated in the workshops at The American Community School at Beirut for two times in November 2009 and in November 2010. Both of them I have certificates that prove my participation.

3rd Annual Conference of Educational Research Center
  • On March 26 and 27, 2011 I attended that conference which I have a certificate that prove my participation.

Ahlia School
  • Observation of an English teacher at Ahlia School for about 40 hours for grades 11 and 12.

British Council
  • Attending from time to time British Council workshops including a two hour Teaching Writing workshop and a two hour workshop on Teaching Multi-level classes. Also I have certificates that prove my participation.

IET Workshop on how to use the interactive white board and other products like the clicker
Sayidat Nisaa Alalamin Institute
  • Teaching girls in two summers where I had been given a reference for the good activities that I had used.
Academic education:
  • Bachelor degree in arts and sciences in Psychology
  • Normal Teaching Diploma
  • Minor in English
Special Achievements:
  • Placed on the president’s list for all my university years
  • Summarized in Arabic two books that are written in English “My Stroke of Insight” and “Nelson Mandela” and got a praise for them.
  • Got the fifth place in a competition that required us to read a book and sit for a test. I won about 400$.
  • Participated in the Public Speaking competition at the Beirut Arab University in 2011. The topic was about Women’s Work.  
Extra Curricular:
  • Make interviews with children in Arabic for Mahdi Magazine
  • Read Psychologies magazine monthly
  • Tutor one of my colleagues at the university  
References: Will be available on request