About This Blog

My course of Instructional Media and Techniques that I am taking in Fall 2011-2012 informed me about blogs and the importance of them and how teachers can benefit from this technological tool. Dr. Basma Faour provided me with the opportunity to discover a world full of new technologies that I don't even know their names "Wikis, blogs, clickers, etc...” I know it is only a project to fulfill my course's requirement that I did this blog but this was just the beginning! Creating your online journal where you can express your opinions and benefit others with what you know and what you had learned from others is a fascinating thing which reflects the meaning of the freedom of expression and gives us space to share information together.
Therefore, my blog was born on Thursday, January 19, 2012. It is for every English teacher that wants to share with me and exchange together our experiences. It is for every educator who wishes for better education. It is for every superior teacher who doesn't only demostrate but also inspires.
Welcome all!!