Educational Research Center (ERC) will hold its annual conference on March 24 and 25, 2012, in Beirut, Lebanon, under the theme:
Education for Innovation
The conference will address the following issues:
1. Innovations in human life, the workplace and society at large which education should work for.
2. Research-based criteria and evidence required to ensure that education works for innovation.
3. Student and teacher profiles, and lifelong learning environments, required for desired innovations to take place.
4. Efficient systemic and pedagogical innovations, with evidence drawn especially from international comparative studies.
5. Efficient models of innovation in:
a. Language education.
b. Social studies education.
c. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.
d. e-learning and integration of digital means and resources.
6. School-University-Industry partnerships, and parents and community engagement, for required innovations in education.
7. Challenges faced by all stakeholders in working for education for innovation.
Plenary sessions will be held in the mornings of Saturday and Sunday, March 24 and 25, 2012, and concurrent sessions will follow in the afternoons. Keynote speakers include renowned international and Arab guests whose work about the theme of the conference is highly recognized worldwide.
Concurrent sessions will be held Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Experts in any of the issues listed above are invited to contribute 30-minute papers to the sessions, in English or Arabic. Contributors are kindly asked to submit the title and abstract of their paper, along with a short biography, by January 28, 2012, to:
The abstract should consist of a 250-word Microsoft Word text in English (Times New Roman, 12 pt), along with an Arabic translation (Simplified Arabic, 14 pt), if possible. Abstracts will be reviewed, and authors notified about the outcome by February 4, 2012. Preference will be given to papers that pertain to research conducted by the author(s), with clear implications to curriculum development, teacher education and classroom practice.
To register and access detailed information about sponsorship and conference arrangements, including paper submission, visas, airline and hotel rates, and other issues of interest, please visit:
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